Απο την Εβίκα Καραμαγκιώλη
Humanitarian crises are not a tunnel without light at the end. Persistent emergencies in countries such as Guinea, Nepal and Liberia are resolving and no longer require a consolidated appeal in 2007. Generous response from governmental and private donors to catastrophes such as the Indian Ocean Tsunami, the South Asia earthquake, and the recent Lebanon conflict have set people in those regions on course for recovery.
For 2007 – thirteen consolidated appeals for specific crises – seeks $3.9 billion to help 27 million people in 29 countries. The organisations that have come together to make this year's Appeal, some 140 non-governmental organisations, United Nations agencies, and other international and local organisations, call on the international community to support it quickly and equitably – so that people stricken by crisis receive the best available protection and assistance, on time.
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